Tuesday, August 13, 2013

LOL I totally forgot about this experience until just now.  I use spice as a back up, you know, in case I cannot find cannabis in the town I'm in.  In this case it was a cost issue.  In Jersey I pay about $40 more than I do in California.  Kevin is taking me on a trip to Costa Rica later this week so when I was here last month I was trying to conserve my funds so I had some moolah for my trip.  Kevin paid for my flight so I feel it's more than fair to have some funds with me so I was not about to pay up to booty for medication when my friend spice wanted to come out and play :)  Last year I reffed Rosita vs Jazz in North Carolina.  I was a total Spice Girl and when I was reffing it looked like I was watching theater.  I wanted to have that same experience with Angelina Love at Bombshell's and giving the circumstances what perfect time to visit Jersey as Ginger Spice ;)

I really had fun editing this video.  I edited it this past weekend in the hotel during my down time at The Gathering.  I couldn't help but smile when putting it together.  I was feeling very lonely when editing this but when I saw Kevin and Jerry it made my loneness faded and I was refreshed.  I loved meeting Heidi Lee Morgan, she is so interesting!  I hope to get on her on Save Wresting the podcast one day.  I would love to hear those old road stories from a females point of view.  I had such an amazing time wrestling Angelina Love!  I wish I was able to get her take on it but by the time we got to The Waiting Room I simply forgot :(  Darn myself!


What a trip!  Here I am in Jersey editing the video from the last time I was there :)  I cannot express how amazing it is to revisit moments in my life that truly help form who I am.  Who am I?  A gal who is constantly evolving in this crazy world.  I get to Marty McFly myself back in time to those moments and they teach me even more!  Does that make sense?  The experiences themselves help me grow but when I revisit these moments that's when I truly evolve.  As I said, what a blessing!  Stay tuned for my Hoodslam journey and of course my Gathering of the Juggalos experience.  Positive vibes!

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